Lake Sammamish Threatened Again!
Save Lake Sammamish is no longer appealing the City of Issaquah and the Department of Ecology approvals of a Shoreline Variance to "pump and pipe" stormwater across I-90, NW Sammamish Road and through City owned passive open space directly into Lake Sammamish. (Map below)
We still feel that the threat of negative consequences is too large to allow the decision to stand however the chances of winning were very small as no agency was in support, plus we had a process error that lessened even that chance.
We will continue to monitor this project, looking for any opportunities to improve the situation. See more info below:
As a pumped direct discharge the pipe carries too high a risk for reduced water quality and increased flooding, plus it sets a consequential precedent for future stormwater decisions. The pipe has been specifically approved to manage stormwater for a private property project (Hyla Crossing). The stormwater will be "pump and piped" across deed restricted Issaquah Park land (Sammamish Cove Park...without compensation), and then be released near the shore of Lake Sammamish within that same Park.
Pump and pipe precedent
Using Public Open Space Land (bought with taxpayer King County Conservation Funds for passive recreation and shoreline protection) to benefit private development without compensation. City would take over the completed pipeline and outfall, so taxpayers would be on the hook for any problems.
Potential increase in flooding and erosion when the Lake is at its highest levels in winter.
Impacts on water quality and fish habitat, especially wild, native Lake Sammamish Kokanee which are currently on life-support and spend their entire lives in the south end of our Lake.
Lack of co-ordination and possible conflict with Washington State DOT Plans in the same area.
Links to indepth information:

Lake in Transition
(Aerials Provided by Jerry Klein)
Lake Sammamish is a shallow, mesotrophic lake, approximately 8 square miles in size, draining a 98 square mile watershed, which is bisected by 13 miles of I-90.
The Lake Sammamish watershed stretches from Redmond through Bellevue, and Issaquah to Preston and Hobart, and empties into the lake through numerous small streams and rivulets. The largest of these, Issaquah Creek, provides about 70% of the inflow to the lake. This water system is in continuity with groundwater in the Issaquah aquifer.
Historically, the large volume of rain in this watershed (nearly twice the 35 inches a year that falls on Seattle) has been absorbed by the surrounding forests and, like a well-regulated reservoir, loose, sponge-like forest soils retained and then slowly released stored rainwater into the aquifer and surface streams.
Such a natural system prevents flooding in winter but continues to supply clean, cold water to streams and aquifer in the dry months.
Where forests have been replaced by impervious surfaces–roofs, roads, parking lots–the loss of rain storage capacity as well as a more rapid rate of runoff, can lead to flooding. The increased frequency of “100-year floods” over the years despite the absence of “100-year storms” is an identifiable consequence of land conversion from forest to subdivision.
A lake reflects its watershed. Conversion of the watershed from forests to cities causes deterioration of water quality. That means the problem is all of us, everyone who lives in the watershed or even drives through it!
Clearly we all have to be part of the solution. We must rise to the challenges of protecting Lake Sammamish as an invaluable amenity in our community life!

Adult pair of Kokanee returning to spawn, photo by Roger Tabor USFWS​
Seven species of salmonid, both native and hatchery, and including commercially-important runs of coho and chinook from the Issaquah Hatchery spawn in and inhabit Lake Sammamish and its tributary streams. Bald eagles and a great blue heron rookery are dependent upon this ecosystem. Numerous migratory waterfowl use the lake and many species of wildlife are found around its shores.
Salmonids, particularly, depend on a specific fresh water environment. They require cold, well-oxygenated water and loose, clean gravels to spawn successfully and for their eggs to incubate. Seven species of salmonid are found in Lake Sammamish, but at least one, a sub-species of kokanee peculiar to Lake Sammamish, is on the verge of extinction; shoreline spawning sockeye and steelhead have also disappeared from this system.

Lake Sammamish is a significant regional recreational resource with 1.6 million visits per year to the State Park (the most heavily used park in the State’s system), at the south end and heavy usage of Marymoor and Idylwood Parks at the north end.
On the eastern shore, Sammamish Landing Park is the newest park on the lake.
On the western shore Timberlake Park is popular as is Weowna Park. The city of Bellevue completed this park as a terminus of its completed Lake-to Lake trail linking Lakes Washington and Sammamish.
The Mountains to Sound Greenway prominently features Lake Sammamish.
Of the many issues facing the lake, flood destruction of property is only one of many problems. Erosion is another.
Once vegetation has been removed, rain easily washes the exposed soils and sediments downhill into creeks and into the lake.
Soils in this watershed are high in phosphorus, a fertilizer. Deltas of mud and rock form in the lake at outfalls of creeks and drainage culverts, smothering gravels with sediment, filling coves, and turning lake water murky.
This process can be dramatic, for example a single storm in January 9, 1990 transported over 40,000 tons of soil, rock and sediment into the lake at the mouth of Lewis Creek, following clearing of only 2% of the North Village project on Cougar Mountain; this despite developer projections that the entire project would result in the transport of less than 10,000 tons total of material into the lake.
The developed shoreline of Lake Sammamish is divided into 929 tax lots and zoned residential. These lots have changed dramatically in character in the last 20 years. The rapid urbanization of both the shoreline and the basin has led to increased phosphorus loading to the lake from non-point sources– soil erosion, garden fertilizers, detergents, pet wastes and failing septic systems.
Phosphorus is a naturally occuring fertilizer that exists in the native soils. The increased load of phosphorus from other sources and from the soil itself stimulates growth of aquatic plants, including dense algae blooms that turn the lake a cloudy green and form surface scums.
As the algae die and decay, the lake looks and smells bad, repelling swimmers and boaters. The decaying algae also rob the water of the dissolved oxygen needed by fish, sometimes precipitating dramatic fish-kills.
Other components often found in run off are herbicides and petroleum products.
The cleaner the water is going into the lake the better it is for everyone and everything.

High water erodes soils

Clear water makes better habitat

Muddy waters impact habitat

Clearing of land mixed with runoff on slopes often equals landslide